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California Public Time Frames

Step 1a: Preliminary 20 Day Notice
  • Notice to the original contractor, surety and public agency within 20 days from first furnishing labor or material.
Step 1b: Bond Notice
  • If Step 1a is not completed claimants may move to Step 1b for claims against unpaid balances only.
  • Notice to the surety and original contractor (principal) within 15 days after the recording of the notice of completion, or 75 days after completion if no notice was filed.
Step 2: Suit
  • Any time after the last furnishing of materials, labor or services, but within 6 months after the period in which a stop notice may be filed (Civil Code §3249). See Speed Bumps.

Bond Bits

  • Contracts less than $25,000 are excluded from bond requirements.
  • Amount of Bond: 100% of contract price.

California Public Stop Notice Time Frames

Step 1: Withholding Notice
  • Notice to original contractor and public agency within 20 days from first furnishing labor or material to compel a withholding of funds.
Step 2: Stop Notice
  • Within 30 days after the recording of a Notice of Completion, Notice of Acceptance, or Notice of Cessation. Where no Notice of Completion, Acceptance or Cessation has been recorded, the Stop Notice must be served within 90 days after actual completion or cessation of work.
Step 3: Suit
  • Not less than 10 days after the filing of the Stop Notice; and not more than 90 days after the expiration of the period within which Stop Notices may be filed. (Civil Code §3210).