• Phone: 410-740-5560
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Colorado County Resources

  • County: Adams
    Clerk: Carol Snyder Clerk 
    Website: http://www.co.adams.co.us/
    Address: 450 South 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 80601-3123 Phone: (303) 654-6100
  • County: Alamosa
    Clerk: Holly Lowder Clerk
    Website: http://www.alamosacounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 178 Alamosa, CO 81101-0178 Phone: (719) 589-4848 
  • County: Arapahoe
    Clerk: Nancy Doty Clerk 
    Website: http://www.co.arapahoe.co.us/
    Address: 5334 South Prince Street Littleton, CO 80166-0001 Phone: (303) 795-4400 
  • County: Archuleta
    Clerk: June Madrid Clerk
    Website: http://www.archuletacounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 1507 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147-1507 Phone: (970) 264-2536
  • County: Baca
    Clerk: Shiela Emick Clerk
    Website: http://www.springfieldcolorado.com/
    Address: 741 Main Street Springfield, CO 81073-1548 Phone: (719) 523-6532
  • County: Boulder
    Clerk: Linda Salas Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.boulder.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 471 Boulder, CO 80306-0471 Phone: (303) 441-3500
  • County: Broomfield
    Clerk: Clerk
    Website: http://www.ci.broomfield.co.us/
    Address: One DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020-0000 Phone: (303) 438-6300
  • County: Chaffee
    Clerk: Joyce Reno Clerk
    Website: http://www.chaffeecounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 699 Salida, CO 81201-0699 Phone: (719) 539-2218
  • County: Clear Creek
    Clerk: Pam Phipps Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.clear-creek.co.us/
    Address: 405 Argentine Street Georgetown, CO 80444-2000 Phone: (303) 569-3251 
  • County: Costilla
    Clerk: Dolores Burns Clerk
    Website: http://www.costilla-county.com/
    Address: P.O. Box 100 San Luis, CO 81152-0100 Phone: (719) 672-3372 
  • County: Crowley
    Clerk: Lucile Nichols Clerk
    Website: http://www.crowleycounty.net
    Address: 110 E 6th Street Ordway, CO 81063-1043 Phone: (719) 267-3248 
  • County: Custer
    Clerk: Debbie Livengood Clerk
    Website: http://www.custercountygov.com/
    Address: P.O. Box 150 Westcliffe, CO 81252-0518 Phone: (719) 783-2552 
  • County: Delta
    Clerk: Ann Eddins Clerk
    Website: http://www.deltacounty.com/
    Address: 501 Palmer Street, Suite 227 Delta, CO 81416-1766 Phone: (970) 874-2101 
  • County: Denver
    Clerk: Wayne Vaden Clerk
    Website: http://www.denvergov.org/
    Address: 1437 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80202-5337 Phone: (720) 913-4900 
  • County: Dolores
    Clerk: Earlene White Clerk
    Website: http://www.dolorescounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 608 Dove Creek, CO 81324-0608 Phone: (970) 677-2383 
  • County: Douglas 
    Clerk: Carole Murray Clerk
    Website: http://www.douglas.co.us/
    Address: 100 Third Street Castle Rock, CO 80104-2425 Phone: (303)660-7400 
  • County: Eagle 
    Clerk: Teak Simonton Clerk
    Website: http://www.eaglecounty.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631-0850 Phone: (970) 328-8600 
  • County: El Paso
    Clerk: Robert Balink Clerk
    Website: http://car.elpasoco.com/
    Address: 27 East Vermijo Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2208 Phone: (719) 520-6400 
  • County: Elbert
    Clerk: Amy Fordyce Clerk
    Website: http://www.elbertcounty-co.gov/
    Address: P.O. Box 597 Kiowa, CO 80117-0597 Phone: (303) 621-2341 
  • County: Fremont
    Clerk: Norma Hatfield Clerk
    Website: http://www.fremontco.com/
    Address: 615 Macon Avenue, Suite 102 Canon City, CO 81212-3390 Phone: (719) 276-7330 
  • County: Garfield
    Clerk: Mildred Alsdorf Clerk
    Website: http://www.garfield-county.com/
    Address: 108 8th Street Glenwood Springs, CO 81601-3355 Phone: (970) 945-5004 
  • County: Gilpin
    Clerk: Jessica Lovingier Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.gilpin.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 366 Central City, CO 80427-0366 Phone: (303) 582-5214 
    County: Grand
    Clerk: Sara Rosene Clerk
    Website: http://co.grand.co.us/
    Address: PO Box 264 Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451-0264 Phone: (970) 725-3347 
  • County: Gunnison
    Clerk: Stella Dominiguez Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.gunnison.co.us/
    Address: 200 E Virginia Avenue Gunnison, CO 81230-2248 Phone: (970) 641-0248 
  • County: Hinsdale
    Clerk: Linda Ragle Clerk
    Website: http://www.hinsdalecountycolorado.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 277 Lake City, CO 81235-0277 Phone: (970) 944-2225 
  • County: Jefferson
    Clerk: Pam Anderson Clerk and Recorder
    Website: http://www.co.jefferson.co.us/
    Address: 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 2530 Golden, CO 80419-5550 Phone: (303) 271-8121
  • County: Kiowa
    Clerk: Betty Crow Clerk
    Website: http://www.kiowacountycolo.com/
    Address: PO Box 100 Eads, CO 81036-0100 Phone: (719) 438-5810 
  • County: Kit Carson 
    Clerk: Della Calhoon Clerk
    Website: http://www.kitcarsoncounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 160 Burlington, CO 80807-0160 Phone: (719) 346-8139 
  • County: La Plata 
    Clerk: Linda Daley Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.laplata.co.us/
    Address: 1060 E. Second Avenue Durango, CO 81301-5157 Phone: (970) 382-6219 
  • County: Larimer
    Clerk: Scott Doyle Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.larimer.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 1190 Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190 Phone: (970) 498-7010 
  • County: Logan
    Clerk: Roberta Perry Clerk
    Website: http://www.loganco.gov/
    Address: 315 Main Street Sterling, CO 80751-4373 Phone: (970) 522-0888 
  • County: Mesa
    Clerk: Janice Ward Clerk
    Website: http://recorder.mesacounty.us/
    Address: PO Box 20000-5010 Grand Junction, CO 81502-0020 Phone: (970) 244-1602 
  • County: Moffat
    Clerk: Elaine Sullivan Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.moffat.co.us/
    Address: 221 W. Victory Way Craig, CO 81625-2714 Phone: (970) 824-5517
  • County: Montezuma
    Clerk: Carol Tullis Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.montezuma.co.us/
    Address: 109 West Main Street Cortez, CO 81321-3126 Phone: (970) 565-8317 
  • County: Montrose
    Clerk: Carol Kruse Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.montrose.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 1289 Montrose, CO 81402-1289 Phone: (970) 249-7755 
  • County: Ouray
    Clerk: Michelle Nauer Clerk and Recorder
    Website: http://ouraycountyco.gov
    Address: P.O. Box C Ouray, CO 81427-0683 Phone: (970) 325-4961 
  • County: Park
    Clerk: Debra Green Clerk
    Website: http://www.parkco.us/
    Address: P.O Box 1373 Fairplay, CO 80440-1373 Phone: (719) 836-2771 
  • County: Pitkin
    Clerk: Silvia Davis Clerk
    Website: http://www.aspenpitkin.com/
    Address: 530 East Main Street Aspen, CO 81611-2939 Phone: (970) 920-5200 
  • County: Prowers
    Clerk: Dorothy McCaslin Clerk
    Website: http://www.prowerscounty.net/
    Address: 301 South Main Street, Suite 215 Lamar, CO 81052-2868 Phone: (719) 336-8025 
  • County: Pueblo
    Clerk: Chris Munoz Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.pueblo.co.us/clerk/
    Address: 215 W. 10th Street Pueblo, CO 81003-2945 Phone: (719) 583-6000 
  • County: Rio Blanco 
    Clerk: Nancy Arnick Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.rio-blanco.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box I Meeker, CO 81641-0249 Phone: (970) 878-5001 
  • County: Rio Grande
    Clerk: Sandra Jackson Clerk
    Website: http://www.riograndecounty.org/
    Address: 925 6th Street Del Norte, CO 81132-3252 Phone: (719) 657-2744 
  • County: Routt
    Clerk: Kay Weinland Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.routt.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 773598 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477-3598 Phone: (970) 879-0108
  • County: San Miguel
    Clerk: Doris Ruffe Clerk
    Website: http://www.sanmiguelcounty.org/
    Address: P.O. Box 1170 Telluride, CO 81435-1170 Phone: (970) 728-3844 
  • County: Summit
    Clerk: Cheri Brunvand Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.summit.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 68 Breckenridge, CO 80424-0068 Phone: (970) 453-2561 
  • County: Teller
    Clerk: Patricia Crowson Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.teller.co.us/
    Address: P.O. Box 959 Cripple Creek, CO 80813-0959 Phone: (719) 689-2988 
  • County: Weld
    Clerk: Steve Moreno Clerk
    Website: http://www.co.weld.co.us/
    Address: 950 O Street Greeley, CO 80632-0758 Phone: (970) 356-4000